Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Indict Cahill and revoke Ms. Shea's pension immediately

Why is it even possible to pass a special rule like this for one person?

This seems criminal.

  • Indict Cahill.
  • Launch immediate ethics reviews of his office and fund-raising.
  • Revoke Shea's pension.

If special rules can enhance a pension, then special rules should be able to revoke.  

Senators? Representatives? Who's got the guts to take action?


Cahill voted to double supporter's pension

A longtime political supporter and fund-raiser for state Treasurer Timothy P. Cahill is collecting the kind of lucrative pension typically reserved for public safety personnel such as police and prison guards, even though she held administrative jobs in the Norfolk County sheriff's office.

Cahill voted to approve the hazardous duty pension for Josephine E. Shea in 2000, while he was still Norfolk County treasurer and chairman of the Norfolk County Retirement Board, according to public records.

Shea, who retired that year at age 49, has been collecting a pension now worth $47,000 a year, plus health-care insurance, paid by Norfolk county taxpayers. If she had received the kind of pension usually given to sheriff's department administrators, instead of the type Norfolk corrections officers get for their potentially dangerous jobs, her pension would be worth less than half that, $21,230 a year.

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