Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2 days work, $3M in pensions


and http://reason.com/blog/2011/10/24/substitute-teach-for-one-day-q

Two union lobbyists each work 1 day as a school sub, now eligible for $millions in pension benefits.

— House lawmakers attacked union pension abuses Monday in response to Tribune/WGN-TV investigations, including one that exposed how two lobbyists got public teacher pensions for a single day of substitute teaching.

The investigation found Steven Preckwinkle, the Illinois Federation of Teachers' political director, and fellow lobbyist David Piccioli had used a now-closed loophole that allowed them to count their years in the teacher union toward a state teacher pension. The two lobbyists had no prior teaching experience before they substituted a day, a union spokesman said.

Money for Nothing


Former Weymouth Mayor David Madden executed a potentially lucrative maneuver on his way out the door — stepping down as mayor and arranging for himself a brief no-show job as fire chief, retiring days later in a bid to boost his pension by $33,558, according to documents and frustrated state regulators, who lost their battle over the benefits before an appellate board and now plan to sue.