Sunday, May 17, 2009

How government pensions are robbing you

Amazing: this is from 1994
Amazing: this is from Money magazine / CNN

HOW GOVERNMENT PENSIONS ARE ROBBING YOU Federal, state and local employees' pensions are so lavish, shrinking them to what private employers provide could cut your tax bill by 8%.

By DAVID JOHNSTON Reporter associate: Judy Feldman
October 1, 1994
(MONEY Magazine) – The gaps between the princely pensions that public employees often collect and what the rest of us get are so astounding that they seem to have been exaggerated by a task force of bureaucrat-bashing Limbaughites. Read these numbers and -- unless you're a public servant yourself -- seethe: -- A state or local government worker earning $35,000 a year with 30 years on the job who retires at age 65 can expect an annual pension of about $18,000, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute of Washington, D.C. For comparable federal employees, the pension figure runs as high as $19,700. But a similar private-sector worker would get only about $10,000 a year, or as much as 49% less. --

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